Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Green-Bean Casserole"

It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore!  And you don't have to use the canned onions either.

In my quest to cook healthy meals on a budget...I have created a stove top version of our beloved dish. It also enabled me to try out my newly acquired onion caramelizing skills. Exciting, no?

Caramelize, uncovered, in olive oil and sea salt to get the onions a little crispy:

I cooked one cup of brown rice in 2 cups of water with a bouillon cube (gluten and MSG-free).

In the meantime I simmered about 2 cups of frozen cut green beans in a large skillet with a little butter and water, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, sea salt, and a dash of onion powder.

In the end I mixed everything together with one can of Amy's Organic semi-condensed cream of mushroom soup and about 1/2 cup sliced almonds.

Oh my god.  I was craving turkey and cranberry sauce after the first bite.

1 comment:

Mermie said...

Will have to try.