Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cake & Pie!

We had a little send off party at the office for my friend, Sara, on July 30th...for which I made cake and pie.  Beat that!

It's a little inside joke.

I found some really delicious recipes though and thought I'd share the links here!

Guinness Oatmeal Stout Pie and Root Beer Cake

I'm sure you'll all think less of me because, in the interest of time, I used a frozen pie crust and (gasp!) store bought frosting!  I know...I know.  But it had to be done.  I also had to use good old A&W root beer because the bodega near my apartment didn't carry any natural sodas....can you imagine? :)

I want to make both of these again so I can tweak the root beer cake and make my own frosting.  It was SO sweet (though no one but me seemed to have a problem with that)! 

The pie was totally kick ass. Maybe some day when I have more counter space I'll attempt to make my own pie crust. Until that day, Fresh Direct carries a great frozen one!

It was a rather hilarious evening of slightly manic baking...complete with flour-y footprints all over my hard wood floor!  It was well worth it though.

We miss you Sara!


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