Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dream Assessment

 photos by Jennifer Loeber

We were asked to assess our dreams last week...though I feel I've been doing that on here a lot these past few instead, I'll share a link to an interview of me, post creative coaching session, from my friend Andrea's website ABCreativity:

"Shine Your Light"

This pretty much shows where I also shows what a good coach Andrea is!

We were also asked to identify the"stuck" parts of our dreams and I have to say that I'm feeling remarkably "un-stuck" right now. Even in the face of still having debt and a savings account that's lower than I'd like since I had to pull from it to pay a few bills over the last two months.  Instead I'm grateful that I had the money at my disposal when I needed it!

My first Lion's Share gatherings are fast approaching, and I have a solid plan for my next trip to Scotland.  How could I feel stuck with so much motion around my dreams!



Everyday Exile said...

awesome, LeeAnn! good for you!
there is a lot of great movement around actualizing dreams and learning gratitude for simple blessings

The Lion's Share said...

Thanks, Tammy!