if my dream was an animal, it would be a ____Lion____ and it would need ____a mountain____.
if my dream was a colour, it would be ____Green____ and its favourite colour would be ___Purple___.
if my dream was a {real or made-up} holiday, it would be ____Samhain____ and we would celebrate by ____going camping and having a bonfire____.
if my dream was a car it would be a ____mini convertible or a jeep____ and i would drive it to ___the ocean____.
and in honour of my new business partner tree, if my dream was a tree, it would be a ___hawthorn___ and if i could plan it anywhere, i would plant it ____in Scotland___.
bonus question: what insights, ideas and inspiration did you glean about your dream from this assignment?
I was surprised my color's favorite color was purple! I thought it would have been orange :)
I am inspired, as ever, by the way my responses are based in nature and the Earth. I want to keep moving in that direction...reconnecting with the Earth.